Wednesday, January 21, 2015


Yesterday we explored Zürich. We basically did what we were supposed to do the day before: walk around and look at stuff in the morning and go to  a museum in the afternoon. In the morning we saw two churches and walked around and took a lot of pictures. Seeing the churches was a very different experience from the Duomo in Milan and the Gothic style churches and cathedrals that we've seen so far, because while those were Catholic churches the two churches we saw today were Protestant churches. The distinction is great. Protestantism began because many Christians felt that the Roman Catholic Church was corrupt and/or didn't follow the message of God. This caused them to break from the Church. One thing that the two religions disagree on is churches; Catholics believe that they should be grand and beautiful as God's home on earth, while Protestants believe that building lavish churches is more about enjoying a wealthy life on earth as opposed to actually following the religion. Therefore Protestant churches are very simple. I'll include some photographs of the churches to give some examples. We also went to a Swiss history museum, which was very interesting. Despite its reputation of always being a neutral country Switzerland has been in quote a few wars, although mostly on the defensive. There was also a civil war between Protestants and Catholics.

Today was another travel day. We left Zürich this morning and drove for an hour to a cute little Swiss town called Appenzell and had lunch. We then drove another two hours to Füßen (Füssen), a town in Bavarian Germany, where we are now.

As you can see Protestant churches are much less decorated.

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