Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Prague, Part 1

I say part 1 because we'll be here for a total of a week, so I'm leaving it open to call the rest of my posts for the next few days "Prague." Today we went to Prague Castle! It was very cool. There was a Gothic cathedral (yeah, another one), a palace, a Medieval bridge (this one made of stone), a Romanesque church, and a little alley of tiny Medieval houses.

Today was our first sunny day since we arrived in Europe!

View from the bridge.

Beautiful view of the city from the hill on which the palace and cathedral are perched!

I ❤️ Gothic Cathedrals!

This was the first time we were allowed take pictures inside a cathedral, so I took a lot! I'll only post a few, though.

I LOVE stained glass windows

This hall in the palace could fit our entire  house. It was the site of many royal coronations, including that of a three-year-old! I honestly will never understand European monarchs.

Such a cute little street!

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