Sunday, December 14, 2014

First Post

Hi all,

This is the first post I have EVER DONE. Ever. On any blog. So please don't judge me if this is not the highest quality blog you have ever seen. I'm still working things out.

Anyway, if you're reading this you're probably one of my many friends and family members who wish to keep in touch while I'm away for the next 6 months. Or, you never know, maybe you're a complete stranger who somehow happened upon this blog despite it being far too personal for an outsider to be interested by or understand. That would actually be pretty interesting. Who knows, maybe I'll become a famous blogger. (Actually, there's no way that's going to happen, nobody's going to really care, but whatever.)

I guess I should explain the title. The idea is that my posts are like messages being sent to you guys back in San Francisco. Like blog posts becoming messages in bottles floating over the ocean to come back home. I'd like to take credit for that idea, but unfortunately I can't. My dad made it up. And no, it has nothing to do with A Bottle in the Gaza Sea.

Well, hopefully this will successfully allow me to keep in touch with you guys. Right now it doesn't really matter because I still have ONE WEEK her in San Francisco, but as of December 23 I will be all the way across the country, and as of January 13 I will be writing you from Milan, Italy, all the way across the Atlantic. Pretty crazy, right? So, see you guys soon, at least for now.


  1. Hi Simone! I am excited to read about your adventures in Europe on this new blog! It seems like blogging will be great writing practice, and a wonderful diary to refer back to about your trip in the years to come. Sorry I couldn't say bon voyage in person, and I promise I'll be a faithful reader! Hugs, Becca

  2. Simone, I am sooo proud of you. I miss you already. I swear, my eyes are full of water!!! I am counting on you to keep me close to your experiences. I am most interested in how you are feeling and thinking about your experiences and any insights you have. Those are the treasures I want to collect. Bon Voyage! Love, Aunt Dee Dee. P.S. HP will be done before you leave Milan.
